
sdq -教师-优势与困难问卷-教师报告










3点额定值;0 =不是真,1 =有点真,2 =肯定是真的

域名 规模 样品
总困难 行为问题 经常撒谎或作弊。
注意力不集中,多动 不安分,过度活跃,不可能长时间保持静止。
情绪症状 有很多忧虑或经常看起来很焦虑。
同伴问题 被其他年轻人挑选或欺负。
亲社会的 体谅他人的感受。






SDQ有多个版本,以满足研究人员和临床医生的需求。所有版本都有组成量表的25个项目。详情来自网站(除非另有引用):教师版和家长版是一样的,但在这个数据库中是单独审核的,以便记者具体呈现数据。2.3-4岁的孩子有家长/老师版本。里面有22件相同的物品。有一项关于反思的条款稍微修改了一下(original=“在行动之前考虑清楚”;3-4岁的孩子:“可以在行动前停下来思考。2项关于反社会行为的条目被关于对立性的条目所取代(原:“经常说谎或欺骗”); 3-4 year olds: “often argumentative with adults” and original: steals from home, school or elsewhere”; 3-4 year olds: “can be spiteful to others.” 3. Multiple versions exist for different language groups. 4. An impact supplement is available, which first asks whether the respondent thinks the youth has a problem or not, and, if so, gathers data regarding chronicity, distress, social impairment, and burden to others. 5. There are follow-up questionnaires for use at posttest, following an intervention. This version has the 25 basic items, the impact question, and 2 follow-up questions regarding change due to intervention. The timeframe for this measure is also changed from “last six months or this school year” to “last month.” 6. There is an Adolescent Self-Report version, which is also reviewed in this database. The wording on this version is slightly different. 7. There is a computerized version developed for the Child Self-Report version. This version was examined with a group of children aged 8-15. No differences were found between means when the measure was completed on the computer versus on paper in a clinic sample.



通过使用SDQ的几种翻译版本(见网站),已经在几个国家获得了规范数据。在英国和美国进行了两项规模最大的规范性研究。UK规范性数据共获取了10438名5至15岁儿童的数据。获得的信息来自:10,298名家长(99%的样本)8,208名教师(79%的样本)4,228名11-15岁的儿童(该年龄组的93%)5-10岁和11-15岁的儿童样本:50%男性和50%女性;来自城市、半农村和农村地区。注:对于5-10岁的孩子,有家长和老师的标准,按孩子的性别,但没有自我报告的标准。对于11-15岁的孩子,有家长、老师和性别自我报告的规范。2.SDQ被列入由国家卫生统计中心、疾病控制和预防中心进行的2001年全国健康访谈调查。有关抽样儿童的资料是从家庭中一位知识渊博的成年人那里获得的。 Of the 10,367 children in the survey who were aged 4-17, there was complete data for 9,878 children on all sections of the SDQ, and normative data is available for this sample. The sample included children aged 4-7, 8-10, and 11-14; and had equal representation from both genders. Respondents included parents (biological, adoptive, or step: 92%) and grandparents (4.4%). Norms are available on the website and in Bourdon, Goodman, Rae, Simpson, & Koretz (2005). Note: Normative data are available only for the Parent Report, but not for Child or Teacher report. They are available by gender and age (4-7, 8-10, 11-14, 15-17).



复测 可接受的 Pearson相关性 0.62 0.82 0.74
内部一致性 可接受的 信度系数 0.7 0.88 0.81
评分员 可疑的 Pearson相关性 0.25 0.48 0.37

上表中给出的内部一致性和评分者之间的信度(家长x教师)数据来自Goodman(2001),因为在这个数据库中,我们通常报告的信度是由测量的作者提出的。Test-retest数据来自Mellor(2004),因为它们是按比例分别报告的,而且时间框架更合适,与其他研究具有可比性。来自其他国家的研究的额外心理测量数据在“内容有效性”部分(在“其他国家的使用”下)的注释中提供。1.在4-6个月的间隔时间内,分数的稳定性:平均的TEST-RETEST稳定性为0.62。内部一致性(alpha)教师总数(.87),情绪症状(.78),行为问题(.74),多动/注意力不集中(.88),同伴问题(.70),亲社会行为(.84),影响(.85)。正如Goodman所报道的,几乎所有的相关性都比交叉信息者相关性的meta分析中所报道的要大(Achenbach et al., 1987)。家长x教师:总困难(0.46),情绪症状(0.27),行为问题(0.37),多动/注意力不集中(0.48),同伴问题(0.37),亲社会行为(0.25),影响(0.37)总困难(0.33)、情绪症状(0.21)、行为问题(0.30)、多动/注意力不集中(0.32)、同伴问题(0.29)、亲社会行为(0.23)、影响(0.23)Mellor(2004)对917名7-17岁的澳大利亚儿童进行了一项心理测量研究,以检验SDQ的父母、教师和儿童版本的使用情况。 TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY (Teachers): subset of 120 families over a 2-week period. Total Difficulties (.74), Emotional Symptoms (.64), Conduct Problems (.67), Hyperactivity/Inattention (.77), Peer Problems (.82), Prosocial (.78) INTERNAL CONSISTENCY (alpha) TEACHERS Total Difficulties (.76), Emotional Symptoms (.77), Conduct Problems (.75), Hyperactivity/Inattention (.87), Peer Problems (.71), Prosocial (.83) INTERRATER RELIABILITY Correlations among reporters: All correlations (e.g., Parent and Teacher, Parent and Child, Teacher and Child) were significant at p<.01 and ranged from .18-.50 (average correlation=.37). PARENT-TEACHER Total Difficulties (.46), Emotional Symptoms (.31), Conduct Problems (.34), Hyperactivity/Inattention (.46), Peer Problems (.39), Prosocial (.30) TEACHER-CHILD Total Difficulties (.36), Emotional Symptoms (.24), Conduct Problems (.39), Hyperactivity/Inattention (.44), Peer Problems (.35), Prosocial (.29) 3. Muris & Maas (2004) used the SDQ (Parent and Teacher versions) with institutionalized and non-institutionalized children with below-average intellectual abilities. They reported the alphas for most scales were well above .70, excepting the Peer Problems and Prosocial Behavior of the Teacher Report version. They also reported correlations between caregivers and teachers as ranging from .24 (Emotional Symptoms) to .56 (Total Difficulties Score).



有效性类型 未知 找不到 非甘蔗样品 临床样本 不同的样品
聚合/并发 是的 是的
判别 是的 是的 是的
对变化敏感 是的 是的 是的
干预效果 是的 是的 是的
对理论上不同的群体敏感 是的 是的 是的
因子有效性 是的

只有管​​理SDQ教师版本的研究都包含在下面的摘要中。鉴于涉及SDQ的大量研究,并非所有涉及SDQ。我们专注于使用创伤暴露和各种人口的使用审查。虽然研究由标题进行分组(例如,“和其他国家/地区使用”和“在其他国家的使用”),但类别之间存在很多重叠。The SDQ Teacher version, along with other SDQ versions, has been used in many studies of conduct disorder and behavior problems including twin studies examining genetic and environmental influences (e.g., Saudino, Ronald, & Plomin, 2005; Scourfield, Van den Bree, Martin, & McGuffin, 2004). With regard to validity, the SDQ was found to correlate significantly with the Rutter (Teacher Report Total Deviance on the Rutter and Total Difficulties on SDQ: r=.92; Goodman, 1997). Diagnoses made using the SDQ (Parent and Teacher reports combined) were compared to clinicians’ diagnoses of DSM-IV disorders (Mathai, Anderson, & Bourne, 2004). Significant correlations were found between clinical diagnoses and SDQ prediction (Hyperactivity Disorder (Kendall’s tau-b=.44, p<.001); Conduct Disorder (.56, p<.001); Emotional Disorder (.39, p<.001). The SDQ also appears to discriminate between groups of children. ROC analyses showed that the SDQ and Rutter questionnaires had equivalent predictive validity, with respect to their ability to discriminate between psychiatric and dental clinic samples (Goodman, 1997). Another study reported that institutionalized children scored higher than did non-institutionalized children on total difficulties scores and on Hyperactivity, Emotional Problems, and Conduct Problems (Muris & Maas, 2004). USE WITH DIVERSE POPULATIONS 1. All versions of the SDQ (Child, Parent, and Teacher) were found to have acceptable internal consistency and validity and to be considered a robust measure for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities (Emerson, 2005). 2. In England the use of the SDQ Teacher and Parent versions was examined in a sample of strictly Orthodox preschool children aged 3 to 4 (Lindsey, Frosh, Loewenthal, & Spitzer, 2003). USE IN OTHER COUNTRIES The SDQ has been used in many countries to examine rates of psychopathology. Studies have also examined the psychometrics of the measure in different countries. Many of these studies are detailed below. 1. Woerner et al. (2004) reported on the use of the SDQ overseas (beyond Europe) in Brazil, Canada, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. They report that the data provides support for the psychometric properties of the measure. BANGLADESH 1. Mullick & Goodman (2001) examined the psychometrics of a Bangla version (translated and back-translated) with a sample of 99 clinic and 162 community Bangladeshi children aged 4-16. They found that SDQ scores distinguish between community and clinic samples, and between children with different psychiatric diagnoses. Using ROC curves for each SDQ scale, AUC (Area under curve) = >.80 were found for Total Impact, Conduct Problems, and Hyperactivity. For Parent, Teacher, and Child reports, Emotional Symptoms were able to distinguish between clinic cases with and without an emotional disorder; Conduct Problems were able to distinguish between clinic cases with and without conduct disorder; and Hyperactivity was able to distinguish between those with and without a hyperactivity disorder. GAZA 1. A study of Arab children living in the Gaza Strip suggests that the standard factor structure may not be appropriate for these children and that certain items appeared to have different meaning for these participants compared to Western participants (Thabet, Stretch, & Vostanis, 2000). BRAZIL 1. Cury & Golfeto (2003) used Brazilian Teacher and Parent versions of the SDQ and suggested that the SDQ may be useful for preliminary screening of possible psychiatric disorders. The article was not reviewed, as it is in Portuguese. 2. The SDQ (Parent, Teacher, and Child versions) was also used in another study that examined child mental health problems in a rural African-Brazilian community (Goodman, dos Santos, Nunes, de Miranda, Fleitlich-Bilyk, & Filho, 2005). The authors report significant agreement between the SDQ and the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). SOUTHERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Marzocchi, Capron, Di Pietro, Tauleria, Duyme, Frigerio, et al. (2004) described the use of the SDQ in Southern European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, France). SPANISH SDQ The Spanish version of the SDQ has been used in a number of studies. 1. García, Goodman, Mazaira, Torres, Rodríguez-Sacristán, Hervas & Fuentes (2000) reported on the initial psychometrics comparing the SDQ with the CBCL and Child Behavior Questionnaire. 2. García Cortázar, Mazaira, & Goodman (2000) examined the psychometrics of the Spanish Parent and Teacher SDQs in a sample of 132 clinic children and 48 pediatric patients in Spain. The abstract of the article suggests that the SDQ discriminated between the two groups and had satisfactory validity. GREEK 1. Bibou-Nakou, Kiosseoglou, & Stogiannidou (2001) examined the correspondence between Teacher and Parent ratings on the SDQ in a sample of Greek children. Difficulties scores according to Teacher Report are related to school achievement, and according to Parent Report are related to family dysfunction. NORDIC COUNTRIES A review article on the use of the SDQ in Nordic countries (Obel, Heiervang, Odriguez, Heyerdahl, Smedje, Sourander, et al., 2004) suggested that the distributions of the SDQ are similar across countries and suggested collaboration in developing norms for Nordic countries. The authors described the use of the SDQ in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, detailing studies in each of these countries that had used the SDQ. FINNISH 1. Koskelainen, Sourander, & Kaljonen (2000) reported on the psychometrics of the Parent, Teacher, and Child SDQ in a sample of Finnish children aged 7-15 (n=735). They reported on the internal consistency for all three reporters as ranging from alpha=.63-.86. Teachers had the best internal consistency (M=.79) compared to Parents and Child (.67 and .65, respectively). Inter-rater reliability (correlations) ranged from .28-.40 for Child and Parents, .28-.38 for Child and Teachers, and .29-.45 for Parents and Teachers. The validity was supported through strong correlations with the CBCL and Youth Self-Report. For example, the Total CBCL and Parent SDQ were correlated at r=.75 and the Total Child Self-Report SDQ and YSR Total were correlated at .71. HOLLAND van Widenfelt, Goedhart, Treffers, & Goodman (2003) described translation and back-translation procedures for all versions (Parent, Child, Teacher) into Dutch. They reported on internal consistencies and means for all three versions as well as correlations among reporters. The Teacher report had good internal consistencies (.74-.89). They found good evidence of concurrent validity as SDQ scales correlated with the Children’s Depression Inventory, Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, CBCL, and YSR. GERMANY 1. Klasen, Woerner, Rothenberger, & Goodman (2003) described the psychometric properties of the German SDQ Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report. These data are summarized from the abstract, as the article is in German. They reported that factor analysis replicated the original scale structure. The SDQ was correlated with the German version of the CBCL, as expected. They suggested that the German version is as useful and valid as the English version. 2. Becker, Woerner, Hasselhorn, Banaschewski, & Rothenberger (2004) examined the validity of the SDQ (Parent and Teacher reports) in a German clinical sample. They report internal consistencies: Parent (.72-.81) and Teacher (.75-.83). All correlations between SDQ subscales and corresponding CBCL/TRF scales were significant (p<.001). For example: SDQ Total difficulties and TRF Total Problems (r=.87), SDQ Emotional Problems and TRF Internalizing Problems (r=.80), SDQ Conduct Problems and TRF Externalizing (r=.86), SDQ Hyperactivity/Inattention and TRF Attention Problems (r=.80), SDQ Prosocial Behavior and TRF Social Problems =-.19. Factor analysis of Teacher SDQs resulted in a 5-factor solution accounting for 57.9% of the variance, with a high degree of concordance between what was found and the original SDQ scales. ROC analysis was used to examine the discriminative validity of the SDQ and CBCL/TRF with respect to diagnosis. SDQ Parent, SDQ Teacher, CBCL, and TRF were equally able to differentiate between patients with a clinical diagnosis and those without. The SDQ Parent and SDQ Teacher were better at predicting children with ADHD than were the Attention Problems Scale of the CBCL or TRF. The Internalizing CBCL Scale was better at detecting children with emotional disorders than was the Emotional Problems Scale of the SDQ. CONGO In a study of 1,187 children aged 7-9 from Kinshasha, Democratic Republic of Congo, the French version of the SDQ was completed by teachers. Principal components with a varimax rotations, suggested the presence of a 5-factor model accounting for 44% of the variance. Factors were similar to that found in the British sample. Children in the study scored higher than British mean scores. The internal consistency was acceptable (.66-.81), excepting the Peer Problems Scale (alpha=.35). Children who scored above the 90th percentile on the Total Difficulties Score were at significantly higher risk for low school performance. Similar results were reported for the 5 SDQ scales, with the highest risk for the Hyperactivity Scale (Kashala, Elgen, Sommerfelt, & Tylleskar, 2005). KENYA The Parent and Teacher SDQs have been used with a Kenyan, Luo-speaking sample to examine the relation between stress and behavior in children orphaned because of AIDS. TREATMENT OUTCOME 1. Mathai, Anderson, & Bourne (2003) found significant declines on SDQ Teacher total following 6 months of treatment. Gavida-Payne, Littlefield, Hallgren, Jenkins, & Coventry (2003) also reported significant change in an inpatient sample. USE WITH TRAUMA-EXPOSED POPULATIONS REFUGEE CHILDREN The SDQ-Teacher Report has been used in multiple studies of refugee children from war-affected countries, many of whom had experienced traumatic events. 1. Fazel & Stein (2003) found that refugee children scored significantly higher than ethnic minority children did on Total and Emotional scores. Significantly more refugee children than did ethnic minority children were classified as psychiatric cases (SDQ Total>=14 and Impact >=2). 2. Refugee children participating in school-based treatment programs showed decreases in problems on the SDQ as reported by teachers during a randomized control pilot of a CBT program (Ehntholt, Smith, & Yule, 2005; O’Shea, Hodges, Down, & Bramley, 2000). MALTREATED CHILDREN In a study of maltreatment among Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip, youth who were maltreated scored higher on many SDQ scales (Self and Teacher reports) than did non-maltreatment youth. Teacher-rated SDQ scores were predicted by coping strategies of blaming oneself and refusing to believe what happened (Thabet, Tischler, & Vostanis, 2004).

不知道 找不到 非临床样本 临床样本 不同的样品
预测效度: 是的 是的 是的

多项研究检验了SDQ的预测有效性。其中一些研究总结如下。1.Goodman(2001)报告了SDQ在预测独立诊断DSM-IV诊断中的预测有效性。统计数据分别按量表和诊断报告。对于SDQ教师总评分和任何DSM-IV诊断:特异性(95%)、敏感性(43%)、阴性预测值(94%)、阳性预测值44%。上表中报告了这些数据。还开发了一种计算机算法,利用来自多个信息提供者(父母、教师和儿童)的SDQ症状和影响分数预测儿童精神病诊断。该算法为4类障碍(1)品行障碍、2)情绪障碍、3)多动障碍和4)任何精神障碍生成不太可能、可能或可能的分数。许多研究从筛查精神障碍儿童的能力方面检验了该算法的预测有效性(例如,古德曼、福特、西蒙斯、盖特沃德和梅尔泽,2000年)。1.使用该算法,Goodman、Renfrew和Mullick(2000)发现SDQ预测和独立临床诊断之间的一致性非常显著(Kendall's tau-b=.49-.73)。当分数被二分(仅“可能”算作阳性)、跨障碍(行为、情绪和多动)和样本(伦敦和达卡)时,他们报告了敏感性(.81%-90%)、特异性(47%-84%)、阳性预测力(35%-86%)和阴性预测力(.83%-98%)。他们报告说“该算法很好地检测出无序……但代价是过度包容。”。Goodman、Ford、Corbin和Meltzer(2004)提出了使用该算法预测寄养儿童精神状态的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值和阴性预测值。使用多个信息提供者,他们报告了以下数据:敏感性=84.8%,特异性=80.1%,阳性预测值=74.2%,阴性预测值=88.7%。对于私人家庭样本:敏感性=63.3%,特异性=94.6%,阳性预测值=52.7%,阴性预测值=96.4%。作者建议,当数据由护理人员和教师填写时,SDQ预测算法最有效。护理者和教师提供具有类似预测价值的数据。当来自成年告密者的数据已经被使用时,自我报告数据似乎没有提供多少额外信息。3.Mathai、Anderson和Bourne(2004)使用SDQ家长和教师报告,报告了SDQ预测诊断与临床医生诊断的敏感性如下:可能诊断:情绪障碍(36%)、多动障碍(44%)、品行障碍(93%)。可能和可能的诊断(81%)、多动障碍93%、品行障碍(100%)。4.Goodman、Ford、Simmons、Gatward和Meltzer(2003)报告使用多信息SDQ数据识别精神病患者的敏感性为63.3%,特异性为94.6%。




语言: 翻译 反译 可靠的 良好的心理测量学 相似因子结构 现有规范 为该组开发的措施
1. 是的 是的 是的 是的
2. 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的
3. 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的
4. 是的 是的 是的 是的
5. 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的
6。 是的 是的 是的 是的
7。 是的 是的 是的 是的
8。 是的 是的 是的 是的
9。 是的 是的
10 是的 是的




人口类型: 措施与本集团成员一起使用 该集团的成员在同行评审期刊上学习 可靠的 良好的心理测量学 现有规范 为该组开发的措施
1.发育障碍 是的 是的 是的 是的
3.较低的社会经济地位 是的 是的 是的 是的
4.农村人口 是的 是的 是的 是的



1. SDQ已在各种环境中广泛研究。2. SDQ似乎是筛选心理健康问题的非常有用的工具。新利18博彩3.可用多个可比较的Informant版本(父母,儿童自我报告,老师)。这是简短的(比可比措施要短得多)。5.易于管理和得分。6.分量和项目对应于当前分类系统的主要类别和标准(Rothenberger&Woerner,2004)。7.措施很容易以超过40种语言提供www.sdqinfo.com.。8.可能对跨文化研究有利,因为它是短暂且多种语言(Rothenberger&Woerner,2004)的空间。


1.虽然使用SDQ作为筛查工具没有缺点,但仍有必要进行进一步研究,以将其作为指导治疗和检查治疗结果的工具。2.SDQ情绪亚量表在检测非该量表关注重点的特定疾病方面可能存在一些弱点,如特定恐惧症、恐慌症、分离焦虑和进食障碍(Goodman et al., 2000;Quinton & Murray, 2002)。3.无论是自然主义的还是介入性的纵向研究都没有反复使用SDQ (Rothenberger & Woerner, 2004)。4.对于暴露于创伤的儿童,应该注意的是,没有专门针对创伤症状学的量表。然而,应该指出的是,很少有措施对其因素结构进行了如此严格的检验,在不同的国家和文化群体中进行了大量的因素分析。




PsychInfo搜索(2005年8月)的“优势和困难问卷”或SDQ“anywhere”显示,329篇同行评议的期刊文章中引用了该测量。注:由于无法进行搜索以确定使用了哪种特定版本的SDQ(家长、教师、儿童自我报告),因此该数字表示所有SDQ版本的总数。然而,以下引用的文章(大部分)包含了母版。这一数字很可能被低估了,因为SDQ在国际上被使用,而且国外期刊的引文可能并不全部包含在PsychInfo中。1.阿肯巴赫,T.M.,麦康纳,S.H.,和豪厄尔,C.T.(1987)。儿童/青少年行为和情绪问题:交叉信息者相关性对情境特异性的影响。《心理通报》,101213-232。2.贝克尔,A.,哈根伯格,N.,罗斯纳,V.,沃尔纳,W.,和罗森伯格,A.(2004)。临床环境中自我报告SDQ的评估:自我报告告诉我们的比成人信息提供者的评分更多吗?欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学,13(Suppl2),17-24。3.贝克尔,A.,沃尔纳,W.,哈塞尔霍恩,M.,班纳舍夫斯基,T.,和罗森伯格,A.(2004)。在临床样本中验证家长和教师SDQ。《欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学》,第13期(补编2),第11-16页。4.Bibou Nakou,I.,Kiosseoglou,G.,和Stogiannidou,A.(2001年)。学龄儿童在家庭和学校环境中的优势和困难。心理学:希腊心理学会杂志,8(4),506-525。5.加兰,R.,格雷格,L.,和古德曼,R.(2005)。儿童和青少年的心理调节与哮喘:英国全国心理健康调查。心身医学,67(1),105-110。6.Cury,C.R.和Golfeto,J.H.(2003年)。优势和困难问卷(SDQ):对里贝朗普雷托学龄儿童的研究。牧师。胸罩。Psiquiatr,25(3),139-145。7.艾恩霍尔特,K.A.,史密斯,P.A.,和尤尔,W.(2005)。以学校为基础的认知行为治疗小组对经历过战争相关创伤的难民儿童进行干预。《临床儿童心理学与精神病学》,第10(2)页,235-250页。8.艾默生,E.(2005)。使用优势和困难问卷评估智障儿童和青少年的心理健康需求。智力与发育残疾杂志,30(1),14-23。9艾默生,E.(2003)。智力残疾和非智力残疾儿童和青少年的精神障碍患病率。《智力残疾研究杂志》,47(1),51-58。10Fazel,M.,和Stein,A.(2003)。难民儿童的心理健康:比较研究。《英国医学杂志》,327(7407),134。11丰本,E.,西蒙斯,H.,福特,T.,梅尔泽,H.,和古德曼,R.(2003)。英国全国儿童心理健康调查中普遍发育障碍的患病率。《精神病学国际评论》,15(1-2),158-165。12García Cortázar,P.,Mazaira,J.a.,和Goodman,R.(2000年)。Gallego版的优势和困难问卷(SDQ)/Validación Inicional de la version gallega del cuestionario de Capacidiades y Deficultades(SDQ)的初步验证研究。青少年心灵创伤回顾,第2期,95-100页。13Gavidia Payne,S.,Littlefield,L.,Hallgren,M.,Jenkins,P.,和Coventry,N.(2003年)。全州儿童住院精神卫生室的结果评估。澳大利亚和新西兰精神病学杂志,37(2),204-211。14古德曼,R.(2001)。优势和困难问卷的心理测量学特征。美国儿童和青少年精神病学学会杂志,40(11),1337-1345。15古德曼,R.(1999年)。《优势和困难问卷》的扩展版,作为儿童精神病案例和由此产生的负担的指南。儿童心理学与精神病学杂志,40(5),791-799。16古德曼,R.(1994)。Rutter父母问卷的修订版,包括关于儿童优势的额外项目:研究说明。儿童心理学与精神病学杂志新利18博彩,35(8),1483-1494。17古德曼,R.,多斯桑托斯,D.N.,努内斯,A.P.,米兰达,D.,弗莱特里奇·比利克,B.,阿尔梅达,N.(2005)。Ilha de Maré研究:对非洲-巴西农村社区儿童心理健康问题的调查。社会精神病学和精神流行病学,40(1),11-17。18古德曼,R.,格莱德希尔,J.,和福特,T.(2003)。儿童精神障碍与学年内的相对年龄:大样本人群横断面调查《英国医学杂志》,3277413。19古德曼,R.,福特,T.,科尔宾,T.,和梅尔泽,H.(2004)。使用优势和困难问卷(SDQ)多信息源算法筛选被照顾儿童的精神障碍。《欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学》,13(Suppl2),25-31。20古德曼,R.,福特,T.,西蒙斯,H.,盖特沃德,R.,和梅尔泽,H.(2003)。使用优势和困难问卷(SDQ)筛查儿童精神障碍a community sample. 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Chandra Ghosh Ippen博士,Amie Alley博士。
Chandra Ghosh Ippen博士,Madhur Kulkarni硕士